This website is about my interests, including sustainability, climate protection, green business, local currency, urban planning and more. I am hoping to use it to archive the projects I have worked on, and some of my writings.
In general, I’m concerned with saving the world from ecological destruction while improving quality of life. I think we’re smart enough to solve the problems, but there are obstacles and challenges to be overcome in order to be successful. I focus on the economic and political challenges.
In the early 2000s I began blogging on Huffington Post. Around 2018 I moved my blog to the website of the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA). The link to my archive is here: Check it out!
Note: I started writing this blog post in June 2020, when many American politicians had decided to begin reopening their
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has revealed aspects of how the economy works (or doesn’t). It also has the potential to
As a father of two young boys, I was excited to introduce movies and characters from my childhood to my
Epistemology is the study of what we know and how we know it. Previously, it may have been considered an
The Bitcoin “market” is spiking, with one Bitcoin now “priced” above $17,000 (by the time this is published it will
This summer’s natural disasters (or, really, un-natural, human-caused-climate-induced disasters) are a Rorschach Test and magnifying glass for pre-existing regional issues